Conservatory (n.)
What do you think of when you hear the word "Conservatory'? It might bring to mind a vast hall with echos of violins, or a lush greenhouse, or a hall of easels smelling of oil paint. Well, we're a little bit like that, but also a lot different.
Our Conservatory is a community centered place for learning. We primarily teach art and yoga, with the goal of helping you feel good and healthy in both body and mind. We teach from a trauma-informed lens, welcome all bodies and ability levels, and our classes will help you grow and meet your personal goals - all while having a ton of fun!
Here are some traditional definitions of a Conservatory and how we relate:
1) A place for preserving or carefully keeping anything
We preserve and share knowledge of yoga and arts -- particularly their power to inspire, heal, and unite.
2) A greenhouse for growing or displaying plants
In our plant-filled space, we cultivate and grow creativity, skills, and community. We plant seeds of knowledge & ideas, provide opportunities to grow skills, and continually share the resulting fruits with others.
3) A place of public instruction and training in some branch of science or the arts
We provide a space to practice the disciplines of art and yoga through classes rooted in creative play, history & philosophy, and science.
What is a Conservatory to you? Come share your thoughts with us!